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Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts submission process is now closed. If you have any questions or would like to enquire about a late submission, please contact Rachel Cook

Submitting an abstract for GP25

We aim to create a conference programme with our specialist GPs and rural hospital doctors' interests and scopes in mind, as well as medical students, registrars and the wider primary health care sector. Thursday 24 July will be dedicated to practical clinical skills/CME workshops. The programme on Friday 25 July and Saturday 26 July will consist of keynote and concurrent sessions.

We invite abstracts across the following themes:

  • Hauora Māori
  • Pasifika communities and health
  • Rural communities and health
  • Equity and quality
  • Workforce wellbeing
  • Research and innovation
  • Teaching and education
  • Clinical skills/CME (workshops)

Presentations can take the form of an oral presentation, electronic poster or workshop.

Submitting your abstract

When composing an abstract, carefully follow the guidelines below and in the submission portal. After abstracts close, the Conference Programme Committee will review all abstracts, making a selection of successful abstracts under each theme.

Please note:
Submitting an abstract doesn’t always guarantee a place in the conference programme and for those selected, all presenters will be required to register for the conference as an attendee, organise their own travel, accommodation and cover associated costs.

Submitting an abstract for an oral presentation or electronic poster

Abstracts must be clearly written in English or te reo Māori and be a maximum of 300 words (excluding title, authors and headings).

  • Title (maximum 30 words).
  • Author(s) and affiliations.
  • Which theme the presentation best aligns to.
  • What does the presentation achieve/explore (including methods, results and conclusions if appropriate).
  • Please describe how the presentation will address and/or discuss equity, Te Tiriti o Waitangi or hauora Māori.

The exact length of oral presentations will be made clear at the time of acceptance (20 or 40 minutes including questions) and will depend upon the number of accepted oral presentations.

Detailed instructions on how electronic posters should be presented will also be provided at the time of acceptance.

Submitting an abstract for a workshop presentation

Abstracts must be clearly written in English or te reo Māori and be a maximum of 300 words (excluding title, authors and headings).

Note that the 'Clinical skills/CME' workshops will take place on Thursday 24 July. Other workshops will take place in the concurrent programme on either Friday 25 or Saturday 26 July.

  • Title (maximum 30 words).
  • Author(s) and affiliations.
  • Which theme the workshop best aligns to.
  • What is the purpose and content of the workshop.
  • Please describe how the presentation will address and/or discuss equity, Te Tiriti o Waitangi or hauora Māori.
  • What will participants will take away from the workshop.
  • Which delivery method(s) will you use (interactive, academic, role plays, small group discussion etc).
  • Target audience e.g. GPs, rural hospital doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, registrars/medical students.
  • What is the ideal and the minimum time (40, 60, 80 mins or longer) needed to run your workshop.
  • If a Clinical skills/CME workshop - please note any specific requirements, e.g. room requirements, maximum number of participants, equipment costs or other costs that may require reimbursement.

Key dates

  • Call for abstracts close - The submission process is now closed. If you have any questions or would like to enquire about a late submission, please contact Rachel Cook
  • Registration opens - Mid-March 2025
  • Notification of acceptance - Monday 31 March 2025
  • Notification of date and time of presentation - Wednesday 23 April 2025
  • Early bird registration closes - Friday 30 May 2025

Have a question?

Please do not hesitate to contact:

Leanne Sherwood | Digital & Event Coordinator
GP25: Conference for General Practice | Conference Innovators
T: +64 3 353 2821 | E: