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GP24 Rochelle Style

Panel | Privacy and AI: What is the true cost to patient privacy?
Friday 26 July | 11.30am

Rochelle is a consultant bioethicist and lawyer. She works in a wide variety of areas including issues relating to computational pathology, hepatitis C, genetics and genomics, the automation of laboratory results, longitudinal research and ICU research. She is currently involved in several qualitative research studies ranging from the use of AI in Primary Care to patient and health professional perspectives about the use of patient health data for AI and on the use of the resultant AI tools within health services.

Rochelle is a member of the National AI & Algorithm Expert Advisory Group which provides oversight and advice on the use of AI tools within Te Whatu Ora. She is also a member of the National Ethics Advisory Committee which provides advice to the Minister of Health. Rochelle has previously been a member of the Northern A Health and Disability Ethics Committee and the CCDHB’s Clinical Ethics Advisory Group. As a previous partner in the law firm Bell Gully, she represented Pharmac in public law litigation brought to challenge its reference pricing, as well as representing pharmaceutical companies in litigation over therapeutic claims.